Andrea Barberis
Italian Institute of Technology, Italy
Short-range interaction between excitatory and inhibitory synapses in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons
Ira Milosevic
MIA Portugal, University of Coimbra
Coordination of synaptic vesicle acidification and trafficking by rabconnectin-3a
Olivier Thoumine
University of Bordeaux, France
Role of the adhesion molecule neuroligin-1 in synapse differentiation: membrane dynamics, phosphotyrosine signalling, and regulation by cis-binders
Thomas Blanpied
University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
Subunit-specific NMDA receptor nanoarchitecture
Domenico Azarnia Tehran
Leibniz-FMP, Berlin, Germany
Selective Endocytosis of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs by the Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Factor CALM Bidirectionally Controls Synaptic Plasticity